Community Service

PCWE is proud to participate in fund-raising concerts for charitable organizations.  This year we helped support Coast Watch, Lincoln County Food Share, and Habitat for Humanity, Florence. If your non-profit organization is interested in our support, please contact Jan Hansen, PCWE Treasurer, at


As one of its primary outreach activities, PCWE awards scholarships to qualified music students in coastal Lincoln and Lane counties.  This year's scholarship winners are:

Sophia Solano, Newport High School

Sierra Shipper, Newport High School

Each winner received $250 towards furthering her musical career.

Scholarship applications are mailed annually to high and middle schools in coastal Lincoln and Lane counties.


We are always looking for partners in our effort to provide quality concerts for music lovers on the central Oregon coast and support worthy charitable organizations through these efforts.  Our operating costs -- music purchases, venue rental fees, insurance, printing, etc. -- are currently paid largely by membership dues, and our outreach into other areas, such as providing rental instruments for public school students in our area, is limited by lack of sufficient funds.

If you would like to partner with us in promoting music within our communities and schools. consider becoming a PCWE Sponsor.  We are a 501(c)3 corporation and all contributions are tax deductible. Sponsorships are currently set at $50 (Band Sponsor). $100 (Sustaining Band Sponsor), and $150 (1st Chair Band Sponsor).  Sponsors will be prominently acknowledged in all our concert programs.  Contact Jan Hansen, PCWE Treasurer, for further information (