Concert Schedule
(To be completed when we know more)
12/17/2023: 2 PM
Spring Concert Florence

Pres. Church Siuslaw*

05/10/2025: 6 PM
Florentine Estates

Florentine Spring Concert

05/12/2025: 2 PM
Waldport Beachcomber Days

Waldport Community Center

06/14/2025: 1 PM
Fourth of July

07/4/2025: 1 PM ?
Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Newport ?

09/1/2025: 2 PM
Yachats Commons Pavilion

Labor Day Concert

Halloween Concert

10/25/2025: 2PM
Yachats Commons*

Waldport HS Graduation

Seasonal Celebration Concert

12/13//2025: 2 PM
Yachats Commons*

Seasonal Celebration Concert

Pres. Church Siuslaw*

12/14/2025: 2 PM
Sea of Lights Festival

12/20/2025: 6 PM ?
Aquarium, Newport

*Directions to Performing Arts Center
*Directions to Senior Center: Waldport
*Directions to Florence Event Center
*Directions to Interpretive Center: Waldport
*Directions to Nazarene Church:
*Directions to Yachats Commons
*Directions to Florentine Clubhouse
*Directions to Greentree Clubhouse
*Directions to Presbyterian Church Siuslaw